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Divorce is an increasingly common occurrence in our society. Yet its effect on the parties, their property and children can often be devastating. Once entered, a Divorce Decree can establish the parties’ rights permanently. If you have decided to obtain a divorce, you should consult Lana Bell to assist you. We offer legal services to include, but not limited to:

Uncontested Divorce

Contested Divorce

Child custody and Visitation Modification

Child Support Modification

Family Law, includes but not limited to, establishing Paternity, child support and visitation. Let us help you pick up the pieces and create the best situation for you and your children.

Criminal Law is a system of laws concerned with the punishment of individuals who commit a crime. An individual commits a crime if he or she acts in a way that fulfills every element of an offense. The statute establishing the offenses also establishes the elements of the offense. In general, every crime involves three elements: first, the act or conduct ("actus reus"); second, the individual's mental state at the time of the act ("mens rea"); and third, the causal link between the act and the offense. In a criminal prosecution, the government has the burden of proof to establish every element of a crime beyond a reasonable doubt and that the individual's conduct was the cause of the crime. Let us help you evaluate the strength of the prosecution's case against you and help to determine any defenses that may apply. Our legal services, include, but not limited to, various misdemeanor and felony offenses.

Our Probate legal services include, but not limited to, preparing Wills, Power of Attorney, Living Wills (Advanced Directive for Healthcare). An advance directive is a written instruction that you make while you are mentally competent that states how you want your health care decisions to be made if you become incapacitated or cannot express your wishes. Advance directives guide your physician and other health care professionals, and relieve your family from the burden of guessing what types of care and treatment you would want to receive.

Alabama law provides a form called “Advance Directive for Health Care” that includes sections on (1) a Living Will and (2) proxy appointment (Health Care Durable Power of Attorney).

Bankruptcy is a legal proceeding under federal law that allows a debtor who is having serious financial difficulties to obtain financial relief. Bankruptcy allows debtors to either eliminate their debts or repay some or all of them under the protection of the Bankruptcy Court.

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